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Creating Extensions and Deploying the 3CX Apps On this topic Introduction This document describes how to create/import extensions and deploy the 3CX Apps to users. Creating Users/Extensions The “Extensions” function enables you to create, import and manage Extensions.
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To create a single extension, go the “ Extensions ” function in the 3CX Management Console and simply click the “ Add ” button. Importing from a CSV file You can create a batch of extensions by importing a spreadsheet with the key information for each User / Extension with these steps: • Download the. • Enter extension, name, DID, etc. For users / extensions to import, keeping the original column order. For a full listing of all import possibilities, see. • In the 3CX Management Console, click on the “ Extensions ” function and then on the “ Import ” button. • Select “ Import CSV ”, browse to select your extension CSV file and click “ Open ” to import your extension to 3CX Phone System.
Note: If using Microsoft Office ensure that the MAC Address column is NOT presented as a number. To fix, right-click on the MAC address column, select “ Format Cells ” and choose text. Importing from Office 365 To configure the 3CX Phone System to synchronize with Microsoft Exchange, you need to “Create an Impersonated Microsoft Exchange User Account” based on this and follow these steps in your 3CX Management Console: • Click on the “Contacts” function, then “ Office 365 ” and f ill in the following fields: • “Office 365 Server URL” - specify the FQDN to OWA of the Microsoft Exchange Server.
Office 365 users need to use. Company/ cannot be synced. • To synchronise a user’s personal phonebook with their personal exchange contact folder entries, click on “Select E-mails”, add the user(s) in the list of email accounts to sync and click on “OK”. • Click “OK” to save the Office 365 sync configuration. To review your Exchange contacts synchronization with 3CX, go to the “Contacts” function in the 3CX Management Console. Exchange contacts are marked with “Office 365” as “Contact Type”. Information on Local Exchange Server and Linux based 3CX If you plan to synchronize 3CX on a Linux-based OS to MS Exchange, the following configuration restrictions apply: • A local Exchange Server cannot be used when a self-signed certificate is used by IIS Web Services.
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Only publicly trusted certificates are allowed. • To make Linux working without “Windows Authentication”, the following changes to the authentication section of the IIS virtual directory for EWS must be applied: • Disable: Windows Authentication • Enable: Basic Authentication Important: If other services connect to the EWS service, the system administrator needs to validate these changes and their effect. Enabling Exchange Calendar Profile Switching Having successfully configured MS Exchange Sync, you can take advantage of the ability to automatically change your extension status, based on your Outlook calendar status (requires Exchange v ersion 2013 SP1, 2016 or Office 365 with Exchange). If you have scheduled appointments where your “Show As” status is set to “Working Elsewhere” or “Away”, then your status in 3CX Phone System automatically changes to the “Do Not Disturb” or “Away” respectively.