Run Aspnet 5 On Visual Studio For Mac

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Church media software for mac. Aug 31, 2015 - NET 5 based web application using Visual Studio Code. Environment as well as run that web app on Linux or Mac or Windows environment. NET MVC 5 project compile in the mac os using Visual Code which is. NET 5 is cross-platform; you can develop and run web apps on Mac OS X.

Member 11845265 20-Mar-16 19:54 20-Mar-16 19:54 I had the error when I ran '$dnx web' for the HelloMVC project: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type ' Microsoft.Extensions.PlatformAbstractions.IAssemblyLoadContextAccessor' from assembly ' Microsoft.Extensions.PlatformAbstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'. At Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting.WebHostBuilder.Build (). You need to make sure you are using the right dnvm version. >dnvm use 1.0.0-rc1-update -p >dnx web I am running ubuntu 14.04.

Good tutorial! I wish I could remember how I determined this exactly. I think I saw an error message that the lib was missing, and then I googled the exact error message, then determined which version of libicu was installed, and found a reference somewhere to the older library from a safe source. I think that linux noobs, and pros alike, would solve it in a similar manner. I think the main difference is in your confidence and determination to solve the problem. I'm usually sure that either I will fix the problem with a little bit of persistence, or maybe I will expose a whole new area that I will need to learn or improve upon. Either way is fun for me.

Run Aspnet 5 On Visual Studio For Mac

Rodrodvr 13-Jan-16 1:55 13-Jan-16 1:55 Hey, just one more thing. It looks like the DNVM install script messes up the session startup script on Debian-derived distributions, like Ubuntu and (in my case) Mint. That makes your account unusable the next time you log in after installing DNVM: the session won't start at all because of a syntax error! The reason is that those distros use Dash instead of Bash to execute the session startup script (~/.profile). DNVM adds the following line to the ~/.profile: [ -s ' /home/yourAccount/.dnx/dnvm/' ] &&. ' /home/yourAccount/.dnx/dnvm/' # Load dnvm which is really ment to be executed by Bash, not Dash.

To correct the problem, be sure to do the following right after installing DNVM: 1) create a '~/.bashrc' file if it doesn't exist yet 2) move the offending line from ~/.profile to ~/.bashrc That's it. Problem solved If you already messed it up and don't know how to recover from that situation, because you are a Windows guy like me: 1) switch console by pressing CTRL+ALT+F3 2) log in 3) use a text-mode editor to edit those files, for example 'nano.profile' Hope it helps, bye. Steve Naidamast 12-Jan-16 6:42 12-Jan-16 6:42 Though I found the article quite interesting and I am sure that ASP.NET 5 is quite good in its initial form, like so many other Microsoft recent additions to its.NET environment, it is a completely redundant technology. In other words there is absolutely no need for it since there are already other options such as MONO, which in fact Microsoft has basically partnered with.