How To Install Window On Mac Without Bootcamp For Free
The way of install Windows 10 on Mac’s internal drive Without Bootcamp Assistant is against of Apple’s official way. So that I always recommend to our readers that to Install Windows 10 on Mac using boot camp Assistant.
Most people are going to assume that you are going the boot camp route. However, have you tried a fully UEFI Windows 10 install? Your update does not detail very much so it is important to possibly include pics since command line output will be limited preinstall. This is also treading along as unsupported but if you want to get your hands dirty it is an EXTREMELY good learning experience. I've managed to do this quite a few times (albeit keeping macOS without boot camp).
Here is a rough outline of what you need to do: • Make sure your disk is labelled GPT. GPT is a disklabel not a formatting type. I believe you have done this, so it should be ok. • Create a USB install of Windows 10 that is UEFI compatible. • Insert the USB drive and hold down option. The bootloader should detect a Windows USB disk. Be sure to select the USB as the boot medium.
• This step is highly dependent on what happens next. If your macbook does not boot into the windows install screen, then you need to figure out why it can't load. Any errors would be helpful.
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If you are able to get into the Windows install prompt, then you may run into issues with the installer detecting the hard drive. You may need to have a windows equivalent driver that you load via the installer to ensure your hardware is supported. Again it is dependent on what you see. • Select the disk available. Format the drive/create partitions, allow install to finish. • Reboot and let the installer finish the windows install. • Install all boot camp drivers manually.
Lots of info is available. Most people will tell you to go the boot camp route, but I've found that the UEFI method results in MUCH quicker boot time. Let me know if you need anything. This answer is a modified version of my. It assumes you already have macOS installed and have a Windows ISO in hand. Before continuing, make sure that you have a backup of your data! I am not responsible for any damage caused by this guide.
You have been warned. You need a USB formatted as FAT32 with at least 8 GBs of free space. Skip to step 2 if you already have an installation media.
Step 1: Download and install unetbootin from. Then run it and select Disk Image option on the screen. Select ISO option from the dropdown menu next to Disk Image text if it is not already selected. Then press the button with three dots (.) and select your Windows ISO image (assuming you already have one). Lastly, select your USB from the dropdown menu next to Drive text and press OK. This will burn the ISO image to the USB. Step 1.1: To learn what your USB is called, open up a Terminal from Spotlight and type: diskutil list This will show you all of the drives connected to your computer.
Your USB is something like /dev/disk1s1 or /dev/disk1s2 (but definitely not /dev/disk0). You can understand which one is your USB by searching for your USB's label. Step 2: Now open up the Bootcamp assistant for the last time. Once it's opened, select Action > Download Windows Helper Software. This will download Bootcamp helper. Select the target as your desktop and continue.
Step 3: Once your bootcamp software is downloaded and unetbootin is done, copy the WindowsSupport folder to your USB's root directory. Step 4: It's time to begin the installation! Reboot your MacBook and when it's powering on, press and hold Alt (option) key on your keyboard.
Once boot manager appears, select the EFI Boot or Windows option. This will start the installer.
Give it a few minutes and once the button to begin the installation appears, press it. Wait for it to start. Once it starts, select Custom installation option. This part is important!!! A list of volumes should have appeared now. Step 4.1: This will destroy any data on your other volumes! Delete all of your partitions one by one.
Once there is only free space left, create a new partition and install Windows on there. Step 4.2: Wait for the installation to finish. Step 4.3: Once the computer restarts, hold the alt key and select Windows or EFI Boot option with a hard drive icon. Step 5: Once you fully setup Windows, select your USB from Windows Explorer and go to WindowsSupport folder. In that folder, run the setup program. Install it like a normal program and you are done!
The way of install Windows 10 on Mac’s internal drive Without Bootcamp Assistant is against of Apple’s official way. So that I always recommend to our readers that to Install Windows 10 on Mac using boot camp Assistant. Must go with bottom steps that personally experienced on my Mac running on macOS Mojave (10.14). On some installation time, you need to care more about your data that has been stored in Mac partition. Using this installation you can enjoy both OS (Windows and Apple) in a single device (Mac, MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air and retina display all versions).